College & Career Consulting

College Essay & Application Guidance, College Search, Interview Prep, Resume & Cover Letter Guidance.

Let us help you Ace It!

Experienced admissions counselors will help with your college and career search, application and resume/cover letter creation, interview prep, and LinkedIn page optimization. Counselors will also help craft meaningful and personal college essays or cover letters. The essay is your chance to stand out to the admissions committee! Let someone whose worked on the other side help you showcase your best self!

The College Consulting Process

  • Complete targeted assessments to help you discover what qualities are most important to you and what type of school you’d thrive at.

  • Curate a customized school list

  • Discuss high school course selection and extracurricular activities or potential “passion projects”

  • Essays-create personal essays that demonstrate your values and what makes you shine!

  • Activities section- Learn how to use key words to highlight your extracurriculars in a meaningful way

  • Scholarship applications, visit scheduling, and guidance with making a decision-we help with this too!

My tutor helped me dig deeper and tell the story I had in my mind but couldn’t quite put into words. I received a $30,000 scholarship for me essay! My essay was personal and unique.
— Lauren C
In just one meeting we completely revamped my essay and I felt so much better about it. The building blocks were there. I’m so glad we used A Wave Above to help me put my thoughts together and convey my message properly. My interviewer mentioned my essay really touched him and is a big reason why I received the interview to my graduate program. PS-I got in!
— Chris M

Ingredients for an incredible college essay

  1. Evoke emotion in your audience

  2. When telling a story, your audience should relate to you or feel what you’re feeling.

  3. If the reader can picture what you’re writing, you’re on the right track!

  4. Focus on reflecting on what you learned from the experience, not only on telling us about the experience.

  5. Don’t try to sound like a good writer-say something meaningful!

  6. Use some humor if the situation allows for it

  7. Chances are the reader doesn’t know the big, fancy words you found in the thesaurus either! If you’ve never heard the word before, don’t use it.

Stand out.

Make your application the one that stand’s out in the reviewer’s mind. Be ready to tackle any interview question. Discover your dream program, job opportunity, or school. College and career application materials should be personalized to both the applicant and the recipient. Let us help you make your application memorable.

We guide you through every step of the process. Whether you need help in your college search, college applications, college essays, career search, career change search, graduate school search and applications, or interview practice, we are here to help you succeed. We have extensive experience helping clients get into their dream school or land their dream job. We also have experience with career changes and with how to showcase your current experience in a way that matches your new career or school goals.

What Story Will You Tell?